Descriptive Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Exercise on Joint Pain among
Middle Age People in Shri Mahant
Indresh Hospital Dehradun.
Sheeba Philip1; Renjith
Thomas2 and Kanchan Negi3
1-Ph.D Scholar, Desh Bhagat University, Gobindgarh District Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab/Professor, SGRRIM
& HS College of Nursing, SGRR University, Patel Nagar, Dehradun,
2-Associate Professor, Department
of Community Health Nursing, SGRRIM&HS
College of Nursing, SGRR University, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Department of Medical
Surgical Nursing, SGRRIM&HS College of Nursing,
SGRR University, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Bone and joint pain can occur in response to numerous
conditions including trauma, infection, inflammation, autoimmune disease,
genetic driven disease states, joint and bone pathology associated with aging,
and cancer. Bone and joint associated pain can be acute (e.g. due to trauma),
recurring, or chronic in nature. Indeed, musculoskeletal pain such as
osteoarthritis is the most common form of chronic pain and disability
worldwide. It is important to recognize that bone and joint pain is very
complex, with multiple types of pain as well as multiple etiologies that may
require different treatment strategies for complete pain management. Some
patients also report development of persistent background pain and/or breakthrough
pain episodes that are resistant to currently available medications (1). Pain
management is to alleviate joint pain, improve daily function and quality of
life by increasing muscle strength, physical activity and emotional
functioning. Pain relief often involves a mix of surgical treatment
(arthroscopy, joint fusion, osteotomy, joint replacement) and
non-pharmacological treatment (physical therapy and self-management education
(2). After
an initial evaluation and treatment plan, it is extremely important to have
follow-up medical monitoring by your health care professional if requested.
During these visits, the results of tests are reviewed and the effects of
medications are monitored. Further testing may be indicated based on the
symptoms present at the time of follow-up. Everyone
needs exercise, but it's especially important for people with joint pain.
Exercise increases strength and makes moving easier. Exercise reduces joint
pain and helps fight tiredness (3).Regular exercise can help keep the muscles
around the joints strong, lower the risk of bone loss and help keep joint
swelling at bay. Staying consistent with exercise can help lubricate the joint
cartilage, which can help reduce stiffness and pain. Regular exercise helps
keep you flexible and strong, which can delay or avoid surgery on the affected
joint. Cycling, Elliptical machine, Golf, Hiking ,Pilates, Rowing, Stretching, Swimming,Tai
chi. Walking,Yoga
This study
was conducted with an aim:
To assess the level of knowledge regarding exercise
on joint pain among middle age people.
To find out the percentage wise distribution of demographic
variables among the samples.
2. Methods
A quantitative research approach is used for this study. The research
design selected for the study is the descriptive design,
the study tends to measure the level of knowledge regarding exercises on joint
pain among middle age people in Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital, Dehradun
from 1/08/2023 to 25/08/2023. In the present study the population was 100 middle age people
in Shri Mahant Indiresh hospital Dehradun with the formula of n=t 2(p x q)/d2. . Non probability convenient sampling technique was used for this study.
3. Results
The aim of
our study to assess the knowledge regarding exercise on joint pain at Shri Mahant Indriesh
Hospital ,Dehradun. Collected data were analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics and presented in the form of tables and
The first
objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding exercise
on joint pain the table 2 show the level; of knowledge among people of joint
pain. 20% had adequate knowledge, 64% had moderate, and 16% had inadequate
knowledge regarding exercises on joint pain.
The second
objective was to find the association between demographic variables and level
of knowledge regarding exercise on joint pain. The table number 3 show the level of knowledge association according to their
demographic characteristics.
1 As per the
age group in 41-45 years age group, 15% had adequate knowledge, 30% had
moderate knowledge, 25% had inadequate knowledge, age group of 46-50 years age
group 9% had adequate knowledge, 8% had moderate knowledge, and 3% had
inadequate knowledge. The age group in 51-55 years age group, 1% had adequate
knowledge, 3% had moderate knowledge, 1% inadequate knowledge. The age group in
56-60 years age group, 1% had adequate knowledge, 2% had moderate knowledge,
and 2% had inadequate knowledge.
2 As per the
gender, in male 20% had adequate knowledge, 30% had moderate knowledge, 10% had inadequate knowledge. In females 10% had adequate
knowledge, 20% had moderate knowledge, and 10% had inadequate knowledge.
3 As per the
religion, in Muslim20% had adequate knowledge,15% had
moderate knowledge, 15% had inadequate knowledge. In Hindu 15 % had adequate
knowledge, 8% had moderate knowledge, 7% had inadequate knowledge. In Sikh 5%
had adequate knowledge, 10% had Moderate knowledge, 5% had inadequate
knowledge. In Christian 00% had adequate knowledge, 00% had Moderate knowledge,
00% had inadequate knowledge.
4 As per the
family type, in Joint family 20% had adequate knowledge, 40% had moderate
knowledge, and 20% had inadequate knowledge. In Nuclear family 5% had adequate
knowledge, 10% had Moderate knowledge, and 5% had inadequate knowledge. In
extended family00%had adequate knowledge, 00% had moderate knowledge
, 00% inadequate knowledge.
5 As per the occupation, in Government job 10%
had adequate knowledge, 20% had moderate knowledge, and 10% had inadequate
knowledge. In Private Job 10% had adequate knowledge, 5% had moderate
knowledge, 5% had inadequate knowledge In others 8% had adequate knowledge, 24%
had Moderate knowledge, 8% had inadequate knowledge.
6 As per the Monthly income in less than 5000,00% had adequate knowledge,00 % had moderate knowledge, 00%
had inadequate knowledge. In 5000-10000, 00% had adequate knowledge, 00% had
moderate knowledge, and 00% had inadequate knowledge. In 10000-15000, 5% had
adequate knowledge, 10% had Moderate knowledge, 5% had
inadequate knowledge. In above 15000 20% had adequate knowledge, 40% had
Moderate knowledge, 20% inadequate knowledge.
7 As per the
Area of residence in rural area 10% had adequate knowledge, 20% had moderate
knowledge, 5% had inadequate knowledge. In Urban area
20% had adequate knowledge, 30% had moderate knowledge, 15%
had inadequate knowledge.
8 As per
marital status in married 30%had adequate knowledge, 55% moderate knowledge,
15% adequate knowledge. In unmarried 0% had adequate knowledge, 0% had moderate
knowledge, 0% had inadequate knowledge.
9 As per period of illness in 3-6 months 6%
had adequate knowledge, 3% had moderate knowledge, 1% had inadequate knowledge.
In 6-12 months 11% had adequate knowledge, 6% had moderate knowledge, 3% had inadequate knowledge. In 1-2 years 16% had adequate
knowledge, 13% had moderate knowledge, 11% had
inadequate knowledge. In more than 2 years 11% had adequate knowledge, 12% had
moderate knowledge, 3% had inadequate knowledge.
Table -1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution
of Sample Demographic Characteristics Validity. N=100
Table -2 -Percentage Wise Distribution of Middle Age People In
Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital According to their Level of Knowledge.
This section
deals with the testing of the hypothesis to find the association between the
level of knowledge and their selected demographic variables.
Table 3: Association between the knowledge
score and demographic variables. N=30
A descriptive study was undertaken among knowledge regarding exercises on
joint pain among middle age people in Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital,
Dehradun .100 samples were selected by unstructured questionnaire. The following conclusions
were drawn from the findings of the study. The people had favorable level of
attitude regarding exercise on joint pain. 20% of them are adequate level of
knowledge regarding exercise on joint pain .64% of them were having moderate
and 16% were having inadequate level of knowledge. The booklets were
distributed among people to improve their knowledge. There by they can improve
themselves from illness and improve their health status.
- Acknowledgements
I am grateful
to all the participants who participated enthusiastically in my study and is 100 clients attending at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital Dehradun” for their
cooperation. We
would like to acknowledge the Shri Guru Ram Rai University Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
to conduct this research.
6. References
i Havelin, J. and King, T. (2018)
‘Mechanisms underlying bone and joint pain’, Current Osteoporosis Reports,
16(6), pp. 763–771. doi:10.1007/s11914-018-0493-1.
ii professional, C.C. medical (no date) What is joint
pain? Cleveland Clinic. Available at:
https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/17752-joint-pain (Accessed: 15
April 2024).
iii William C. Shiel Jr., M. (2022)
Joint pain (hand, knee) causes, symptoms, medications & relief, eMedicineHealth. Available at:
https://www.emedicinehealth.com/joint_pain/article_em.htm (Accessed: 15 April
iv Organization (2023) Types of exercises for strong
joints, AIA. Available at:
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v. Exercising
for joint pain (no date) Tips for
Exercising With Joint Pain | Houston Methodist. Available at:
(Accessed: 15 April 2024).